Vulnerability - Wise or Stupid???
Vulnerability in leadership is everywhere, and widely hailed as the ultimate leadership trait.
But is that really so? Or is the vulnerability hype steering us towards an unproductive competition of 'who has the most / toughest personal struggles'?
In our latest blog we ask the question: Is vulnerability in leadership wise, or stuid?
- May 2024
Mind the mindset gap!
Nearly two decades after its publication, Carol Dweck’s book ‘Mindset’ continues to influence leaders worldwide. But while understanding the concept intellectually is realively easy, we often see people struggling to apply it in real life. Instead, they are stuck in the grip of comparison and fear of failure - aka a fixed mindset.
Which is why we want to provide you with actionable steps to help you transition from a fixed to a growth mindset, by addressing self-limiting behaviours, emotions, and thoughts.
- April 2024
Leading through Uncertainty
Are you concerned about the state of the world and what it means for your work (and ultimately career)? Are you wondering how you can make strategic decisions against a backdrop of uncertainty? Are you working hard to keep your team focused and reassured while the world around them is shifting?
If the answer to any (all?) of these is yes, you are not alone. Which is why we have done some of the heavy lifting for you and compiled distilled insights and resources to help you better navigate this fast-shifting landscape and spot the hidden opportunities within it.
- March 2024
You can build it, earn it, erode it, destroy it.
But what exactly is trust? And why is it crucial to your career & business success?
Continue reading to find out.
- Feb 2024
Who or what are you forgetting that will upset your performance this year?
How successful we, our team, or our business is today isn’t determined by the abilities of any one person or team.
To be truly successful, we must consider the wider context in which we operate.
Much harder than it sounds, but, for a happier ending, this is where systemic team coaching and development can help.
- Jan 2024
Free Toolkit
Supporting employee wellbeing in virtual teams