
Leadership, Tips, Personal Development Karin Mueller Leadership, Tips, Personal Development Karin Mueller

‘Sorry’ isn’t the hardest word. ‘Feedback’ is.

While Elton John may be right that ‘sorry’ seems to be the hardest word to say, it’s ‘feedback’ that seems to be the hardest to hear.

Let’s be honest, feedback is hard – often bringing discomfort to the giver as much as the receiver.

But with appraisal season upon us, there’s no better time to remind ourselves why feedback is so valuable and how we can get the best from it.

- Oct 2023

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Personal Development, career, Advice Karin Mueller Personal Development, career, Advice Karin Mueller

Courage Over Doubt

Picture this: You’re at an important meeting. You’re pleased to have a seat at the table, surrounded by accomplished professionals. Yet somewhere deep down you can’t shake this nauseating feeling that you don’t belong here and that you’re about to be exposed as a fraud.

Welcome to the world of Imposter Syndrome. A world that even the most successful people inhabit.

Here are three ways to manage your imposter syndrome, build your resilience, and remain courageous.

- July 2023

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